May 8, 2016
The Foundation of Faith
By: Pastor Keith
Series: (All)
May 8, 2016. How do we pass on the faith to our children? On this Ascension Sunday and Mothers Day, Pastor Keith reflects on how, just as the early church was based in Jerusalem before it went out into the world, our children's faith begins at home. Discussions around the dinner table, friends from church who share common experiences, church music, and Sunday School teachers are all important factors in children's learning the basics of living out the faith, demonstrating to children in concrete ways the love of God.
*** [Keywords: 20 year plus pin Acts Ascension Day Christian education God in conversation God's gift God's love Jesus Loves Me Jesus as friend Judea Mothers Day Pastor Keith Holste Samaria Saturday night Sunday School teacher Sunday morning This Little Light of Mine active adults affirmed any time or place in life ascended aunts baptismal sponsors basics of living out the faith began in Jerusalem believing brothers and sisters care for each other childhood days children of Jesus children's music children's songs church friends church participation college commitment common experiences community building community of caring Christians concrete way congregation context craft project or activity demonstrating development of faith devotionals dinner table disciples discipline discussions early church begins at home efforts elders factors faith begins at home faithfulness families firm love forgiving formation of faith foundational family life funeral service good times goodness of faith grandparents growing up hang out together hard work healing heavens home base home makers hug important work imprint on our minds interplay invisible it takes a village knowing child life events moms and dads motherhood mothers and fathers music of the faith musicians nursery class out into the world parenting parents part of our mindset pedigree piano player play activities praying at meals quality of faith raise the child recognized reinforces relational resistance resurrection routine school singing sports strong base sympathetic talent taught as child teach tell the story tender thankful they are loved touch two uncles died we need each other week to week western Kansas who taught who whole world word and meal workers worshipping community young children young or old]
- May 8, 2016The Foundation of Faith
May 8, 2016The Foundation of FaithBy: Pastor KeithSeries: (All)May 8, 2016. How do we pass on the faith to our children? On this Ascension Sunday and Mothers Day, Pastor Keith reflects on how, just as the early church was based in Jerusalem before it went out into the world, our children's faith begins at home. Discussions around the dinner table, friends from church who share common experiences, church music, and Sunday School teachers are all important factors in children's learning the basics of living out the faith, demonstrating to children in concrete ways the love of God. *** [Keywords: 20 year plus pin Acts Ascension Day Christian education God in conversation God's gift God's love Jesus Loves Me Jesus as friend Judea Mothers Day Pastor Keith Holste Samaria Saturday night Sunday School teacher Sunday morning This Little Light of Mine active adults affirmed any time or place in life ascended aunts baptismal sponsors basics of living out the faith began in Jerusalem believing brothers and sisters care for each other childhood days children of Jesus children's music children's songs church friends church participation college commitment common experiences community building community of caring Christians concrete way congregation context craft project or activity demonstrating development of faith devotionals dinner table disciples discipline discussions early church begins at home efforts elders factors faith begins at home faithfulness families firm love forgiving formation of faith foundational family life funeral service good times goodness of faith grandparents growing up hang out together hard work healing heavens home base home makers hug important work imprint on our minds interplay invisible it takes a village knowing child life events moms and dads motherhood mothers and fathers music of the faith musicians nursery class out into the world parenting parents part of our mindset pedigree piano player play activities praying at meals quality of faith raise the child recognized reinforces relational resistance resurrection routine school singing sports strong base sympathetic talent taught as child teach tell the story tender thankful they are loved touch two uncles died we need each other week to week western Kansas who taught who whole world word and meal workers worshipping community young children young or old]
- May 1, 2016Promise of Peace
May 1, 2016Promise of PeaceBy: Tom SchoenherrSeries: (All)May 1, 2016. Guest pastor Tom Schoenherr preaches on Jesus' words from John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." Where does peace come from? Sometimes we find peace, but it doesn't last. Sometimes it seems that our prayers are not heard, that Jesus has left the room, and we're on our own. Or is it that we don't really believe promises that may be difficult to receive?How does the world give peace? Sometimes peace comes, but it seems as though it's not necessarily lasting. Since 3,600 BC, in the past over 5,600 years in recorded history, there have only been 286 years of peace. In all of that time there have been over 8,000 treaties that have been signed. So we can use all kinds of force, all kinds of power in order to guarantee peace, but it does not last. I know that in many times, I am troubled and anxious. And you may be too. I get troubled and stirred up and disturbed, because of the continued violence that goes on against women, that gun violence, all kinds of violence against people in our society that continues. I get stirred up and troubled and anxious about presidential politics in this primary season. I get stirred up and anxious about the ways in which our society continues to be separated and divided racially and spiritually and economically. And then I hear Jesus say, "Don't let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." And I say sure Jesus, easy for you to say. Because lots of us have also lost loved ones whom we miss dearly. Some of us have illnesses that seem to come at no matter what age and leave us struggling, questioning. And I also find, and maybe you do too, that sometimes our prayers just seem as though they are going out into the air, and God isn't listening. And doesn't seem to be responding. And it seems as though Jesus has left the room, left the house. And we are on our own.
- Apr 17, 2016Hearing the Promise
Apr 17, 2016Hearing the PromiseBy: Pastor PennySeries: (All)April 17, 2016. In her sermon today, Pastor Penny plays a clip from StoryCorps on NPR, an interview with Francois Clemmons about appearing as a police officer on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. In the interview, Clemmons recalls how meaningful Fred Rogers' offer of friendship was for him, once he was able to hear it. It can be hard for us to listen to difficult things. But this fear can also prevent us from hearing God's promise of love. *** [Keywords: Asher Francois Clemmons Fred Rogers GPS God favored people God's promise of love God's voice clearly Great Sanhedrin I am your good shepherd I have told you I might lose face I will protect you I've lost everything Jesus enemies Jesus supporters Jew MPS Middlebury Vermont Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Mr. Rogers NPR Officer Clemmons Pastor Penny Holste Pharisees Portico of Solomon StoryCorps Torah achieve afraid going to lose something afraid of being hurt are you the Messiah big decisions big pillars born brown skin bullied burning candle at both ends carrying burdens chamber cold winter air conquered death conscience date young woman dealing with destroying culture destroying their tradition device didn't listen died doctor's office dogs don't get lost down driving dry feet every day first African American actor follow me friend for life friends get rid of that man ghetto global positioning system gold embellished temple good for nothing good shepherd greatest thing I have guidance hangs up sweater hard time hard time listening have another child hear a voice heard me today icon important times in lives interview isolated job market joined the cast just the way you are listen to me lived long marble halls lose edge lose my position losing our edge love of child manuscript map marry man meaningful experiences memorizing every snippet of tradition might lose friendship money moral positioning system most precious possession I own no one not my sheep nothing opera singer ornate box plastic pool police officers policeman policemen positive influence power of fear purity laws putting myself in role rabbi rabble rouser racism real world neighborhood religious leaders rest my feet robe role in kids TV series rose for us rule on concerns scary scene sing in church slow snatch you out of my hands sneakers son or daughter speak up against injustice special day strained relationship synagogue school take that job talking to you for years taunting Jesus teacher of the law teaching people team temple touched me troublemaker from Galilee trust of coworkers water hoses we don't hear promises when we are afraid words of friendship work worst of our fears would we listen wouldn't listen]
- Apr 10, 2016Feed My Sheep
Apr 10, 2016Feed My SheepBy: Pastor KeithSeries: (All)April 10, 2016. Pastor Keith talks about John 21:1-19. Following his resurrection, Jesus appears to the disciples, who are fishing but not catching anything. He tells them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, and then they catch fish in abundance. Peter, now recognizing Jesus, jumps into the water to get to him as quickly as possible. We too have the opportunity to jump in and follow Jesus. He calls us too with the water of baptism, and sends us, as he sent Peter, into the world to feed and tend his sheep.
- Apr 3, 2016Just Live Out Your Faith
Apr 3, 2016Just Live Out Your FaithBy: Pastor PennySeries: (All)April 3, 2016. In John 20:24-31, Jesus says to “doubting Thomas” blessed are they who do not see, and yet believe. For us, it doesn’t always feel very blessed not to be able to see Jesus and yet to believe, even as more and more skeptics pull away from the church or don’t believe in God at all. In her sermon today, Pastor Penny talks about how important trust is in believing — even more important than seeing. Maybe God puts people in our lives we can trust, people who believe that their faith is vital and live-giving, so that even when we don’t have Jesus to look at, we don’t have to be distracted by beliefs that serve only our own purposes and which may not be life-giving, but we can have the life that God wants for us and for the world. And by the power of the Holy Spirit we can become the people others trust, we can be witnesses, and by just living out our faith, someday others may see that Christ brings life to the world.
- Mar 27, 2016We Belong
Mar 27, 2016We BelongBy: Pastor PennySeries: (All)March 27, 2016. Pastor Penny talks about Jesus appearing after his resurrection to Mary Magdalene, calling her by name and letting her know that she still belonged, and relates it to the Easter message that reminds us of God's promise and how it can be carried out through us to redeem the world in love.
- Mar 20, 2016The Passion According to Luke
Mar 20, 2016The Passion According to LukeBy: Pastor KeithSeries: (All)March 20, 2016. Pastor Keith discusses the Passion according to Luke versus the story as presented in the other gospels. In Luke, Jesus is all-forgiving and uses his power to heal and save all people, including those who persecuted and betrayed him. In Luke, Jesus offers forgiveness to Judas. The question to us, as to Judas, is will we receive it?
- Mar 13, 2016Extravagant Devotion
Mar 13, 2016Extravagant DevotionBy: Pastor KeithSeries: (All)March 13, 2016. In John 12:1-8, Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with expensive perfumed oil. Pastor Keith preaches on how this extravagant devotion goes beyond a simple action, how the sweet smell of oil filling the room is like the love Jesus has for us, and we in turn have for one another, going out into the world.
- Mar 6, 2016The Prodigal Son
Mar 6, 2016The Prodigal SonBy: Pastor PennySeries: (All)March 6, 2016. Are we tempted to push our relationship with God aside and trust only in ourselves? In talking about Jesus’ Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) Pastor Penny shows us that we can make the world a place of justice and mercy, passing on a legacy for sons who have been lost, by knowing that God forgives and loves us and by trusting in Him.
- Feb 28, 2016Little Losses
Feb 28, 2016Little LossesBy: Pastor PennySeries: (All)February 28, 2016. Pastor Penny preaches on Luke 13:1-9, which includes the parable of the fig tree. She says God does not want us to suffer little losses. The cross is not a symbol of punishment, but of God's abundant love, forgiveness, and mercy.